‘Zero Limits’ is a collection of thoughts, ideas and personal experiences based on the author’s discovery and learning of the ancient Hawaiian system Ho’oponopono. Ho’oponopono is loosely translated “to cause perfection,” more specifically meaning “to make right or to correct errors.” (Ho’o – cause; ponopono – perfection). Ho’oponopono is a problem-solving technique which is quite…
Apps and Web Tools for Writers
I have just come out of an excited webinar about writing faster with best-selling non-fiction author Michael Hyatt last night when I realised how many tech tools he employed on a regular basis in his writing schedule. Most were apps that you’d probably encountered in the app stores, but there were a few other mentions…
Books Worth Reading for Lifestyle Entrepreneurs
Work to live instead of living to work. Design your life. The goal? Enjoy more of life, stay flexible, work (actively) fewer hours, while increasing (passive) income. The lifestyle entrepreneur designs his life, his work, his downtime according to his requirements and specifications. He is driven by freedom of time, opportunity, flexibility, and often the chance to…
Work and Write: Coffee Shops in Pretoria Moot
When I am not travelling, my playground in my adoptive South Africa is the capital city, Pretoria. When my home office gets a little too quiet or too hot (which often happens), I prefer to venture to the many places freelancers call home – coffee shops, delis and bistros where one can grab a quick…
Mindfulness: Powerful Ways to Calm Your Mind
Imagine an enchanted forest where trees abound; so many that the first thing you notice is their majestic trunks and canopies. Now close your eyes and try to capture the beauty of the forest as a whole, noticing the trees but digging deeper. Observe the soft light of the sun filtering through, the shapes and…
Life’s Big Moments are the Ones You Don’t Expect to Happen
“Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” When I first heard it, I agreed with Forrest Gump’s credo in the same-titled movie, and it wasn’t only because of my chocoholic tendencies, or Tom Hanks playing such an unusual but highly likeable character. I have always…
The Trouble with Happiness and the Forgotten Path to Fulfilment
A series of encounters with human behavioural specialist Dr Demartini changed my interpretation of happiness and provided me with an unexpected secret to lasting fulfilment. Happiness or Fulfilment? “I prefer the term ‘fulfilment’ and not ‘happiness,’” replied human development specialist Dr Demartini in an interview I conducted for an online publication I had timidly started…
The Positive Side of Self-Doubt: Why Doubting Makes You Stronger
What if doubt could make you stronger and wiser? In this essay, I explore five reasons why I believe doubt can be a powerful ally in your self-improvement journey. In a world craving for security and certainty, doubting (yourself) is an inescapable reality. It brings fear of the unknown, negativity and paralyzing thoughts. But it…
Why Love Does Not Last
How do you see romantic love? Is love a one-way destination to the one you perceive as your soulmate, or it is more like a ‘moving goal,’ one that resembles so much the passion and obsession you crave throughout your life? And if it is the latter, what are your chances to a long-lasting epic…
Simple Ways to Bring Balance in Your Life
A life coach I consulted once told me that growth happens during times of rest, not of activity as often believed. She used the analogy of the bodybuilder or athlete who knows that training is required to exercise muscles, but that actual rebuilding happens during restorative periods, not training. If you are a gym enthusiast…